
What happens during the Congress?

The Congress has a full-day programme which starts with a main speaker following a reception with coffee and tea. Then there is a Company Fair where students can connect with companies in personal conversations, during the Company Fair, some trainings given by companies are provided as an alternative. This is then followed by lunch for both students and companies where they can socialize.

After lunch, select companies give business cases to groups of students. During these cases, companies present real-world problems from their industry to the students, to gain or develop valuable insights. Following the cases, the day is rounded off for most students with an informal drink where they can reflect on the day and enjoy a drink with fellow students. 

Companies that are part of the company dinner can select students based on their uploaded CV’s and invite these students for dinner. As the group of selected students is small, interactions can be more personal and private. 

The Congress is usually attended by around 200 students of the Studies Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) and International Business Administration (IBA) and around 20 companies from different sectors. 

Aftermovie Stress Congress 2023

Below you can find the aftermovie of the Stress Congress 2023, to give an idea of what the Congress normally looks like.